Habitats Directive Assessment with Offshore Wind Farms in the Baltic Sea
As part of the plan approval procedure for the offshore wind farms “Baltic Eagle” and “Ostseeschatz” OECOS GmbH created an FFH compatibility study and FFH -compatibility testing for both projects in 2012 in regard to the FFH extension areas “Western Rönnebank” (DE 1249-301), “Adlergrund” (DE 1251-301) and “Pomeranian Bay” (DE 1552-401). The compatibility of both projects was examined in terms of the provisions of Article 6 FFH Directive and Article 34 BNatSchG. In particular, potential disturbances of porpoises and seabirds by direct impairment of the resting, foraging and migratory behaviour were thoroughly investigated for the two wind farms. In this context the potential impairment of protection objectives, species and habitats due to the summative interaction of other planned wind farm projects was also examined.
With regard to protected habitats, sediment resuspension and turbidity plumes are possible construction-related effects. Therefore it must be examined if the plumes extend over fairly large distances and if this turbidity could disrupt ecological functions in protected areas. Phytobenthos and various types of macrozoobenthos can be sensitive to sediment overload. Additionally, the potential effects of the two wind farms to harbour porpoises and resting, foraging and migrating seabirds were examined in depth. Moreover, the interference of species and habitats due to the summative interaction of planned wind farms and neighbouring wind farm projects was investigated.
GEO GmbH is planning a demonstration field called “GEOFReE”, which consists of five wind turbines with a total capacity of about 25 MW south of the “Beta Baltic” project. GEO contracted OECOS GmbH for an examination of potential impact on neighbouring Natura 2000 sites due to construction of the wind farm.