Special Species Conservation in the Power Cable Planning
An Immission Plan Approval Procedure for the proposed power grid connection from the demonstration field for offshore wind turbines “GEOFReE” planned by GEO Society for Energy and Ecology GmbH in the coastal waters Schleswig Holstein was accomplished. As part of the approval procedure a special species protection analysis was necessary to determine possible effects of the submarine cable on benthos, fish, marine mammals and birds on the one hand, and possible impacts of the onshore cable on special protected faunal and floristic species on the other.
OECOS GmbH already completed a first review of species protection concerns for the demonstration field “GEOFReE” in the Mecklenburger Bay. It was revised twice with regard to amendments of federal nature conservation laws. The potential impact of cable laying on breeding and migratory birds and bats in the Mecklenburg coastal sea was an important part of this review. The emphasis was on possible avoidance and mitigation of impacts on species and habitats.