Strategic environmental evaluation of a land development plan
The city of Flensburg intends to implement comprehensive site development in the railway station area during the coming years. Accordingly, the redevelopment area “Südstadt: Bahnhofsumfeld” was agreed upon on February 14th in 2013. The purpose is to enhance the area close to the city centre in terms of attractiveness of living space development.
One part of the redevelopment area is the planning are “Freiland”, on which roughly 100 accommodation units are in development. The land development plan for this part was agreed upon on May 23rd in 2013. The German Federal Building Code requires an environmental impact assessments for any changes or adjustments of the comprehensive site development plan (§ 2 Abs. 4 BauGB), in which the environmental interests, as listed in §1 Abs 6 NR 7 and § 1a BauGB, are being identified, described and evaluated in an environmental report.
On March 24th in 2014, OECOS GmbH. was charged be the Flensburg Association of Urban Development Ltd. with the execution of environmental evaluations and the subsequent compilation of environmental reports on the land development plan. Our environmental report on the matter was compiled according to Appendix I of the Federal Building Code and includes a description and evaluation of the environmental impacts as well as an account of interference and compensation. For that purpose, OECOS Ltd. has carried out numerous surveys and evaluated a diverse range of protected assets.