Restriction Analysis for the Re-Powering of Wind Energy Converters

Determination of the Potential for Re-Powering outside the Suitability Areas for Wind Energy Use in Schleswig-Holstein
In Schleswig-Holstein re-powering outside the dedicated suitability areas is only allowed with a regional planning exception permit. In this case compliance with distance recommendations is obligatory. The main question of the project is how wind energy use can be concentrated on selected locations and how the burden on the remaining areas can be reduced. OECOS GmbH was commissioned to assess the potential for re-powering outside the suitability areas. This assessment was carried out state-wide and in a very detailed manner (at the building level). Moreover, recommendations for further procedures were made. The results were presented in text form, tables and GIS maps. In a first step the complete stock of wind energy converters in the federal state of Schleswig-Holstein was identified with the help of several independent databases, and digital databases of the topography were prepared. Two re-powering scenarios with different new plant heights were developed, since different heights require different distances from specific objects and uses. Non-conflicting plant locations were determined by overlay method, buffering the prevailing distance demands (without individual case consideration). Furthermore the proportionate restriction impact of the current distance criteria was determined and suggestions were made for a reassessment of the current distance criteria.