Environmental Evaluation of an international submarine cable connection
The ‘Kriegers Flak-Combined Grid Solution‘ is a cooperation project of the German and Danish Transmission Network Operators 50 Hertz and Energinet.dk and is facilitated by the European Energy Program for Recovery (EEPR). The new interconnector has a transmissibility of 400 MW and is supposed to be raised between the German offshore windfarm Baltic 1 (48 MW) and Baltic 2 (288 MW), and the Danish offshore wind farm Kriegers Flak (600MW). The distance between Baltic 2 and Kriegers Flak is less than 30 km and is supposed to be bridged by two submarine cables. The aim is to compensate capacity fluctuations by enabling a transboundary energy transport. The implementation is scheduled for the end of 2018.
In the course of the planning approval procedure for Kriegers Flak Gombined Grid Solution, OECOS Ltd. was charged with compiling the necessary environmental documents, which include an Environmental Impact Study (EIS), a development mitigation plan and a species conservation assessment.
Prestudy for the SEA of Federal Grid Concept
FFH Compatibility Studies in the Planning of High-Voltage Cables